Carbon acid -based hard water stabilizer, calcium soap dispersant

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Carbon acid -based hard water stabilizer, calcium soap dispersant
Carbon acid -based hard water stabilizer, calcium soap dispersant


Calcium soap has a good dispersion and a low penchant for foaming. Recommended dosage of 1-2%.

Product description

The AC125 carboxylic ester is a type of anionic surface-active substance with two hydrophilic groups, polyoxyethylene ester and carboxylic acid. Employees of the company involved in research and developments receive various structures and products with different properties, these products based on carbon acid air can play different roles in water technological fluids: with low foam formation. , additive, metal soap dispersion, coeamulgator, hard water protection, corrosion protection, etc.

Product characteristics


Heterogeneous liquid or pasta

Acid number

39 ~ 46 mg con/g


0. Yashg/ml

GLB value



The AC125 calcium carboxylate soap has a good dispersion and low foaming tendency.


A water-based lubricant and cooping fluids tend to secrete soap during use. The presence of soap destroys the stability of the emulsion and reduces the service life of the lubricant-cooling liquid. Adding the AC125 carbon acid ester to the formula to improve the dispersion of metal soaps in lubricants on water-based liquids is a typical and very effective method of soap processing.



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