Electrochemical machining oil 180E

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Electrochemical machining oil 180E
Electrochemical machining oil 180E


EDM 180E is a low viscosity, high-purity, colorless and transparent hydrocarbon oil used to treat discharge sparks without any negative impact on human health.

Product Description

Main physical and chemical properties:

▪ Appearance: Transparent

▪ Color: Colorless and transparent

▪ Density (60/60F): 0.780

▪ Distillation range (℃): 200-400

▪ Flash point (° C): 108

▪ Total sulfur content (weight percentage): less than 0.005

▪ Copper corrosion test: # 1 Experimental conditions

▪ Aromatic hydrocarbon content (% volume):<0.095

▪ Minimum dissolution temperature of aniline (℃): 102

▪ Dielectric constant (20 ℃): 2.05

▪ Viscosity (40 ℃): 2.98

Product specifications

EDM180E is a discharge environment designed specifically for EDM operation, with the following characteristics:

▪ Best dielectric performance: EDM 180E has high insulation performance, high transmission efficiency, and fast processing speed.

▪ EDM 180E has a high ignition temperature, which can avoid fires and improve installation safety.

▪ Good heat transfer performance: If the heat transfer performance is not good, the working surface will experience tempering phenomenon and damage the characteristics of the working object material when the temperature rises, which can easily lead to thermal deformation of the mechanical device, Moreover, the thermal expansion coefficient between the electrode and the working object material is unstable, which can affect the accuracy of discharge treatment.

▪ Low volatility: reduces fuel consumption costs and reduces environmental pollution in the workplace.

▪ Good antioxidant properties: EDM oil is exposed to air for a long time and heated, so this characteristic can avoid or reduce impregnation during the processing, which affects processing quality, speed, and cost.

▪ Low toxicity: EDM 180E does not contain aromatic oil, is non-toxic, odorless, and harmless to the skin. This product is very suitable for various rough machining electrical discharge machining operations.


EDM 180E is packed in a 200 liter iron drum with a net weight of 150 kilograms.




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